Elul 25 5784 - CREATION


(begins evening of Sept. 27, 2024)

א בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
BEREISHIT bara Elokim et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz.  
Bereishit 1:1 IN THE BEGINNING G-d created the heavens and the earth. 

Corresponding Passage:

Yeshyahu 45:18 Thus says HASHEM, Creator of the Heavens - He is G-d, the Former of the earth and its Maker.  He established it and did not create it in vain, but to be inhabited: I am HASHEM, there is no other!

The 1st day of Creation, on which G-d created existence, time, matter, darkness and light, was the 25th of Elul. 

However, Rosh Hashanah, traditionally referred to as "the beginning of Your works," actually corresponds to the 6th day of Creation—the day when the world gained its potential for fulfilling its purpose with the creation of Adam and Chavah, the first man and woman. As a result, Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the Jewish calendar, while the 1st day of Creation falls on the 25th of Elul of the year before the calendar began, referred to as the year -1 from Creation.

This day is recognized as the beginning of Creation according to the account in the first chapter of Bereishit. While other faiths often start their calendars from key religious events, the Jewish calendar begins with the Creation of the universe itself.

Proof of Hashem’s Hand in Creation

When the Rambam taught that the world was created by Hashem, a heretic disagreed. Instead, said the heretic, the world had existed forever and no one created it. 

The Rambam asked the man to leave the room for several moments. When he was asked to re-enter, a beautiful painting hung on the wall. The heretic admired the painting and asked who had painted it. The Rambam answered that he had spilled some paint on a canvas and that painting had taken shape by itself. The heretic laughed mockingly and said “that is impossible; just by looking at the perfect design of the painting, anyone can tell that someone painted it carefully and purposefully.” 

The Rambam responded “the same is true of the world; when examining how perfectly all its features exist and interact, anyone can tell that it was formed by an All-Knowing Creator” (Lilmode Ul’lamed; Rabbi Mordechai Katz)

Deeper Aspects of Elul 25

The connection to Kochav Yaakov, the star prophesied in the Zohar and by Balaam in the Torah, adds another layer of significance to Elul 25. Some mystical interpretations link this star to a future event or cosmic shift associated with the Geulah (Redemption process). On Elul 25, these spiritual vibrations can be felt more intensely, hinting at the Hidden Light of Mashiach that is waiting to be revealed in the world. This day can thus be seen as a preview of the ultimate renewal and rectification that will come with the arrival of Mashiach.

In this way, Elul 25 is not only the commemoration of the physical creation of the universe but also a key moment in the annual spiritual cycle, giving each individual the opportunity to co-create their reality in line with the Divine plan, bringing them closer to their ultimate purpose.

Shabbat Shalom - Shanah Tovah!
